Mitt Romney is not a moderate

Dear MSM: Mitt Romney deciding that he's not running for reelection does not signify anything about the "moderate center" in the US Senate because Mitt Romney isn't a moderate. He's a conservative Republican and always has been. Just because the GOP is run by radical rightists instead of conservatives doesn't magically transmute a conservative into... Continue Reading →

I would like to eliminate the phrase "school shooter" and replace it with "mass murderer at a school." Add the word "attempted" when no-one dies. Words have power.

We need to move past 9/11

I'm glad I'm not a politician because I don't think I could summon the necessary patriotic fervor today. Eventually we have to leave horrible things like 9/11 in the past. Reopening the wounds every year just keeps us from healing, and the US desperately needs to heal. The US suffered from collective insanity after the... Continue Reading →

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